Sunday, 21 June 2009

Lazy Sunday!

Just having a lazy day at home today, work tomorrow and yesterday so just relaxing (!!haha) today. As it's father's day, Laura and Ben are cooking a nice roast dinner for tonight's tea, yum yum. Ben's at work all day today so Laura has just gone out to get the food.

Am trying to get some creative inspiration
for a bit of scrapbooking, but, as so often lately, there is nothing doing. Consequently the supplies currently laying on the dining room table will be cleared away for tea and may not be seen again for some time!!

Went out in the garden this morning
and saw these beautiful clematis flowers.Thought I'd capture their beauty.

Also my pot of violas look beautiful too!

Thought I'd have look in TK Max the other day. I was really surprised to see some lovely stuff! Got myself this lovely wire basket for my letters and things, also bought a white wire basket for some of my embellishments.Pic later!!

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