Thursday, 15 July 2010

What a day!

    Well what a day I've had! Woke up early after having had a terrible night's sleep, couldn't get to sleep last night at all. 
       So the first thing that comes into my head is 'must post the parcel for my e-bay customer'. I'd printed the postage label yesterday and had the intention of packing it up last night. Forgot. So must go to the post office today, this morning. Forgot.
        Take Ben to work at Lakeside as none of the trains are running. Come home. See parcel on table. Panic! Wrap parcel, take to nearest post office. Half day closing. Who closes for half day any more??
          Go to next post office. Closed for half day. Have to drive into town, pay £1.40 to park. Have to queue up for 20minutes. Observe man having a row with cashier. Community support are called. Lots of shouting.
      Finally get parcel in post box and my receipt stamped. Hurrah.
     Come  home and collapse totally worn out. But at least my e-bay customer will get their parcel!

      So consequently I haven't done much crafting today, but here are some of the bookmarks I made for the craft show. I think I might add a bead on the end of the ribbon for added wow!

   I've been practicing my photoshop programme  this week, I intend to try and make my own wedding stationery using the brushes on there. 
    Have watched some good you-tube demos on techniques. If you ever want to know how to something, there will be a you-tube video showing how!
I think I'll have another go at it, and learn how to print onto different sizes of card blanks. Wish me luck!

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