Back at work after my holiday, which was lovely but not long enough! For my birthday, Laura got me and Ian a couple of days down in Bournemouth, which was such a surprise! we had a lovely time, the weather was very nice and the hotel was pleasant too. We would have stayed a bit longer, but we had to come back on the Saturday because it was my first ever craft fair!!
I was up at the crack of dawn( well, nearly) getting last minute bits ready. Then me and Ben packed all the stuff in the car and off we went to Upminster.
Found the place quite easily, unpacked and found our table. Here's what we made our stall look like:
I think I might have taken a bit too much stuff (haha) or perhaps I just needed a bigger table!
Anyway, people seemed to like my stuff, I sold quite a few cards and lots of the children's craft kits that I'd made up. I made a reasonable amount of money but the object was to see if I could sell at a fair and now I know I can!
While we were there we met some other lovely crafters. There was Sue and Layla from Sorcery and Sparkle who were on the table next to us.The fair also had lots of other crafts including cakes, chocolates, paintings, photography, handbags and general knick-knacks.
All in all we had a fab time, but we were absolutely knackered by the end of the day, but were well pleased with how it had gone.
1 comment:
Hi - looked up Barking and found you!! :) I live in Barking too :)
Glad all went well for you at the Craft Fair - you are obviously a very talented lady. Judith
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